Purple crab


New Member
I recently had a 54 hour power outage and lost 1/5 of my reef tank (I thought I would have lost a lot more at first site).
I'm trying to replace everything that died and I'm lost when identifying a crab I had in there. It was a hitchhiker and was in there for about 2 years.
It was about the two inch's wide and purple in color, camouflaging in the rock. Big claws, hide 95% of the time, was somewhat furry and it made a distinct clicking sound that you could hear all though-out the apartment.
Any ideas?


New Member
It was a crab for sure! Looked nothing like a shrimp. He was a dark purple and moved like lightning. I gave up trying to catch him, thinking he might do damage to my corals but he was never a problem.


Active Member
I'm wondering if it's a Porcelain crab. Does it have these things that almost looks like round feathers in the front *arms*?