Purple Finger Leather Coral?

zen reefer

New Member
Does anyone have any experience with a Purple Finger Leather Coral that they could share?
Got it on saturday, and have been searching the net since. Have found a couple of pix, but
no clues about care-n-feeding, placement in tank, lighting, origin...
Any help would be...helpful. Thanks. (LFS did say that it isn't dyed, but I'll check the
skimmer when the lights come on)

zen reefer

New Member
Thanks anyway...
Checked the skimmate cup this am when lights came on...The contents are a rosy shade of fraud. Bummer. It's the only s/w shop in town. Will be going online, or to Vegas from now on for any purchase. I don't really mind my mistake in buying it, but when I asked what kind of leather it was, he said "a rare Purple Finger Leather that hasn't been dyed...it's natural". My bad...won't happen again with this LFS.


sorry to hear about that..I was just gonna say there are no purple, pink, magenta leathers that aren't dyed. Alot of the green and yellows are dyed. Where can I visit a LFS in Vegas? Be there in March!

zen reefer

New Member
I heard that some corals expell some of thier zooanthella when stressed.
Is this true? Wouldn't this account for the pink skimmate cup? Guess I'm grasping for straws.
I'm about an hour from Vegas, in Pahrump. But if you ask here the locals can give
you a better clue.
Coming out for March Madness? Nascar?


thanks for the site! Oh ya...we do the nascar thing every year in Vegas. Corals expel something when their stressed but I didn't think it was zooanthellia ...but I am no expert!


Active Member
STAY AWAY FROM THEM!!!. email me at bergamerjonesathotmaildotcom and I will tell you my experience