Purple Fire Fish & Fire Fish


Ok This ? might sound dumb but here it goes anywayz. I have a 12 gallon aquapod and it has caves, burrows, everything it needs to have a purple fire fish. I have a Small maroon clown in there nawn aggresive hes about a 1 1/2 but ya anyways i went to my nearest saltwater place and i saw a beautiful purple fire fish and it was only 20 so i got him and a cleaner shrimp. I herd these fish need to b in pairs so what if I went back and got a plain fire fish will it b ok with my purple? I didnt want my nemo not to have any friends. Felt bad for the little guy.
Ur friend Aaron


this is just my experence so dont take it to heart, i had a pair of fire fish in my 12 gal nano, and the kicked each others ass untill they both died, then I had a single and he got his ass kicked by my blood shrimp, so i went to Dr. fosters and smith site and they say that they will only get along if there a mated pair.


WOW! i should of really keeped my other 2 fire fish they had 2 b mated. It was really cool. They slept together in the same cave or burrow and one time i had a purple dottie back in there and he took over there place and everytime they would try to go get into there home the purple dottie back would bite them and stuff and 1 was kinda hurt like in the tail area and the other fire fish was right there next to the other one the whole time. I got the dottie out of the tank but i shouldent have gave them up but yeah so u r sayin i shouldent get a fire fish with my purple fire fish?


From what I have heard firefish like to be in groups but purple firefish are best alone.
Oh and Sig you might wanna edit your post. That link is to a competitor and they don't allow it here.


im saying i wouldn't, and as far as your maroon goes, just dont put it with another moroon, it will do fine with other fish, one more thing about fire fish, they can be territorial.


Oh and I didn't mean best alone like with no other fish, just don't get more than one purple firefish in the same tank. Plus, you're running the risk of overloading your tank with too many fish. Don't marroon clowns get pretty big?


Active Member
not necessarily true for purples, i've had two purples that lived together in their cave they had...always together just fine...just my experience though


Purple's will live together if you can get them to pair up, otherwise they will fight. I've heard purple's will also fight regular firefish.


Originally Posted by sig45
this is just my experence so dont take it to heart, i had a pair of fire fish in my 12 gal nano, and the kicked each others ass until they both died, then I had a single and he got his ass kicked by my blood shrimp, so i went to Dr. fosters and smith site and they say that they will only get along if there a mated pair.
Unless they are juveniles but that does not last long.