Purple firefish jaw is disapearing



I have had this purple fire fish for about 3 moths, and his lower jaw is starting to disapper, literly, it is just getting smaller. I can see inside his mouth all the time. When i bought him i did not notice it, until i got him in my tank, but his whole jaw was there, just puffy, so i thought he may have caught it on something and it would just go down. But latley it has disapeared rather fast, and have no idea what to think. He is out in the open and swims all day long, no hiding or anything and he eats tons and goes for the food rather fast. Any idea? Please let me know, all help is appercaited.
I have no little critters that could have down this to him...



Originally posted by Beth
Now that is interersting. Can you post a pic?
Do you have a QT?

No QT...but it does not seem to be affecting any of my other fish at all and like i said he acts normal, just looks a little different is all...I will try to take a couple of pics tonight and post them up...


Staff member
There's not much you can do if you don't have a QT. But, I'd like to a pic if you can get one.



Originally posted by Beth
There's not much you can do if you don't have a QT. But, I'd like to a pic if you can get one.

I will have in 2-3 hours...


Where is a site to post them too, so i can post them on here...I tried imagestation but it did not work...let me know...
Here are the pics, they are not very clear(i apparently do not have a very good camera for taking these types of pics) and my tank is somewhat cloudy for somereason?)
You should be able to tell the fish i am talking about, the only purple fire fish in there...sorry some of his freinds wanted in the picture as well...
i bought some medicine and took him out to give him a bath in it...it actually seemed to help...i will do it agin in 2 days and then dose the tank up on vitams to try and recover some tissue... Let me know what you guys think.
Also if you need me to take more pics let me know, because they are hard to make it out. They look ok to me but i know what i am looking for...


Staff member
You should be able to post the pics here. If you are using Windows, simply go to your Paint program and resize the pic to fit within 500x500 [or less] pixils. Then, post as normal. At the bottom of the post, there is an option for posting pics.



Originally posted by Beth
Send me the pic at beth@saltwaterfish.com
Be sure to put SWF.com in the Subject line.

You have mail :) thanks again
and an update the dip did not seem to make a big difference.


Staff member
Well, I can certainly see there is an ugly problem with this fish's mouth, but I'm stumped about what to do about it. Perhaps it is some sort of cancer that can't be addressed. So, you say this fish had the problem when you got it? Was it that way at the LFS?



Originally posted by Beth
Well, I can certainly see there is an ugly problem with this fish's mouth, but I'm stumped about what to do about it. Perhaps it is some sort of cancer that can't be addressed. So, you say this fish had the problem when you got it? Was it that way at the LFS?

No i do not remember seeing it at the store, but when i got it home i noticed it was a little puffy(very slight), so i fiugred that it got its mouth caught on the net and it got a little irrataited(spelling), it did not get bad for about 3 weeks and now it is where it is at now. I do not know if i should put him down...BUt he eats and is always out in the open...any help would be awesome and thanks for the posting of the pics beth!!!!!


Staff member
You are right, netting fish is risky business. The fish could have gotten stuck in the net and had injury to the jaw, some that just isn't repairable.
Since the fish seems to be ok with the problem for now, then I would just keep him and let him live his little life.
As for posting pics, you just need to get the size down. Keep reducing the pic, till it can be posted.