Purple Firefish (Nemateloetris decora) vs. Red Firefish (Nemateloetris Magnifica) ??s


My original stocking plan calls for RedFF (2, possibly a shoal of 6) but I've also been thinking about the purples.
What are the differences in these subspecies (other than cost and color :D )?
1) Able to peacfully cohabitate with each other? (in LFSs I've seen the reds together but not the purples?)
2) Differences in perferred food
3) Tank requirements in terms of space, hiding places etc.
My tank setup along with complete stocking plan is below in the thread titled "OK, I think I'm ready...and I'll keep it short this time "
Thanks, as always, for you reply! :)


Active Member
i believe that everything else is the same,
the fact is that they may fight with others unless a mated pair, but the same is true for reds, not exactly sure about the purples in a shoal, so i won't elaborate there, but i would use caution in buying them, red or purple and make sure to study a pair before buying, do they spend a lot of time together without chasing each other and things like that
makke sure you get a pair. dont keep in groups. both can be kept if you have a large tank. purples are mmore aggressive. they can leap out of tank. provide alot of rockwork and coral rubble.


Active Member
one other note on tank size, you mentioned a shoal of 6, if you are going to do this, you need atleast 6 and at least 100+gallon tank


Thx Fsh and Trig. Hmmmm well the shoal is out then.... :( How about a pair of Reds and a single Purple??? Also, if it is very important to check out their behavior before buy that would rule out MO then?
Thx again,


I would be careful with a pair and then a single. Seems like the purple will become the odd man out and lose the battle. Just my thoughts.


Becuase the waste givenoff by 6 fish of any kind, even small firefish would be too much on the bioload of anything smaller than a 100 gallon.


Active Member
6 need 100 gallons because:
dr ron said so, i'll see if i can't find that info later, actually he told us that you need 120 gallons for 6ff(his exact words were at least 20 galllons each for ff, this is why we only have a pair, we were going to get 6 ourselves), they are not a high biolad themselves, but i think it was something about space, but as i said i'll double check and get back with the exact reason,
as for mixing them, it is hit and miss, a large tank, where they would have their own space, may have better odds, but i have seen it done


My question is, is this info specific to firefish? I have 3 right now in my 37. They aren't big swimmers where they need a lot of room. Basically they hang out near the bottom or under rocks. We are talking about Firefish gobies, right? I have heard that there is another fish called a firefish. I was planning on putting a max. of 6 fish (3 firefish, 2 clowns and one other) in my 37. Any info would be great.


Active Member
firefish gobies, yes, same fish,
now, the q you are asking is species specific, they do not like others of the same species, the only exception is a mated pair(and this is not always 100%, almost but not always because supposedly they are --- changers), if i remember correct, it had something to do with if they didn't shoal, or paired off or something, you need plenty of space, so they could almost be alone(basically can't even see each other, wiht alot of space), i am looking, but haven't found it yet, as i said, we wanted more, but decided against it based on those reasons, for our 75 gallon, but i do remember that in ff you want either one, a mated pair(even though you probably won't succeed in rearing them), or 6 or more, because they will most often become aggressive towards not only the 3d or 4th wheel, but all and you will probably end up with 1 (not even a pair), my wife heard of one person on another bb who had 7 in a 450, and wound up with one(he also had plenty of lr for his tank, so i would definitely keep and eye on them,a nd if you do start having problems(it may be several months even), be ready for an exchange, this would be much better than loosing 2 fish, sorry to have to tell you you may need to take these cute little interesting guys back, but you must be prepared for the possibilty with ff, it's just their nature,
i know lfs's sell them as schooling fish(so they will say that you are better with more than 2), but i have found many to not know what they are saying, but don't forget, to them, if you keep a fish for a couple of months, and come back in for a replacement, you did good and are successful as long as you don't come back in days, but most of us here are trying to keep our fish for years(as long as possible)
i will keep looking for that info, if you;d like, and WHEN i find it again, i'll get it back to you


Thanks for the info. I will keep a close eye on them and if I have to, will take one back. I'll keep ya posted...

kung fu

Hmm..since firefish seem to be hit or miss with shoals...how about a recommendation for different species that would make a good shoal?