Purple Frilly Rhinopius


New Member
Just bought a Purple Frilly Rhinopius. Gorgeous!! Perfect condition. Paid $699 for him at a local shop. This is the fish we have most sought after since we started the hobby. Have been an aquarist for 4 years now and have necessary experience to know how to properly aclimate, handle, feed, treat disease, monitor and control water quality, etc. Rhinopius was eating ghost shrimp and live feeder fish within 24 hours of purchase. He started getting a slight brownish color on his body after a few days which we assumed must just be a film of algea and didn't think to be worried because he would shed it off when he shed his skin the next time. Four days later he died suddenly. My fiance' and I watched helplessly in dismay as he began to gasp and went into what appeared to be convulsions and died.
Can anyone tell us what could have caused this fish to die like this. :help: He was not exposed to any air from the shop to our tank. Water quality was perfect and specific gravity was exactly the same in our tank as the shops tank. He was at the shop we bought him from for about a week when we purchased him.



Active Member
Sorry to hear that..there are so many variables from disease, including flukes... to cyanide poisoning, to stress, to some parameter in your tank. Were there any tank mates that could have caused him stress? Are there other healthy thriving fish in this tank now? How did you acclimate? Was he eating?
Fish this year have been coming in with high numbers of flukes, these will attach to the fish's gills and get embedded under the scales. With concentrations around the face.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
What is a purple frilly rhinopius? I googled it but couldn't find anything.
Scorpionfish, Genus Rhinopias


He started getting a slight brownish color on his body after a few days which we assumed must just be a film of algea and didn't think to be worried because he would shed it off when he shed his skin the next time.
How many times did you notice this scorpion shed?