Purple Linkia lesson


Well, you always think it will never happen to you. Right?
I purchased a beautiful purple linkia star from my lfs on Sunday and acclimated it for 4 solid hours. Then left the lights off the rest of the day. Well, here it is on Wed. and the thing kinda fell apart on me. Lost a leg and got all these white spots all over it. Sad too, they are absolutely beautiful creatures. Has anyone ever had luck with these guys? Long term? Should I bother trying to get another? What about the orange ones?


:happyfish Hi, sorry to hear about your beautiful starfish. That always sucks. Unfortunately, I've been there. The only starfish I've had any luck with are the red ones with knobbys on them and the chocolate chip. I have one chocolate chip that I've had for 2 years. The red one I had for a year. All the smooth ones I've never been able to keep alive. I've tried most, unfortunately, what a waste. Well, live and learn and inform others I guess. Good Luck, Alison


I too once tried the linkia star and could not get it to stay alive. I have never had a chocolate chip but have heard they can be rather agressive.
I have had great luck with this star. I belive it is a red elegant star but not sure. This thing moves all over the tank and look nice too.


Thanks, I have had a serpent star for about 6 months ...but lets face it...I don't see it much and when I do...well....its a serpent star!

Anyway, I wanted one that is nice to look at.


:happyfish Thats the starfish I tried in the above picture that I had for a year! Thats a great one to try. Oh and yes the chocolate chip did nibble on 2 polyps once, but they maybe were on their way out ? I really believe there is no truly reef safe urchin or starfish. I've had just about everykind under the sun, and they all nibble from time to time. I ended up putting him in my fish only and he's doing great! Whatever you do don't get the really big orange and brown ones, they are carnivoreous eaters. Oh, and I had a pensil urchin devour a patch of yellow polyps! I don't put stars or urchins in my reef anymore myself, understandably. It all depends on the risk you want to take. Good luck, Alison


Brittle stars are generally reef safe...at least I've never had a problem with them. Great detritus eaters also...but they do tend to hide a lot. Why don't you guys try an Orange Sea Star. They're very pretty and stay out in the open a lot. I've never seen mine mess with my corals one bit. Here's a picture...


My Choc. Chip loved to eat Xenias....yum yum!
He's not around anymore..


Active Member

Originally posted by UKCATS
Well, you always think it will never happen to you. Right?
I purchased a beautiful purple linkia star from my lfs on Sunday and acclimated it for 4 solid hours. Then left the lights off the rest of the day. Well, here it is on Wed. and the thing kinda fell apart on me. Lost a leg and got all these white spots all over it. Sad too, they are absolutely beautiful creatures. Has anyone ever had luck with these guys? Long term? Should I bother trying to get another? What about the orange ones?

This is kind'a late to tell you, but you didn't acclimate it long enough. If I were you I would have drip acclimated it for like 10 hours. Seastars are VERY VERY VERY VERY sensative to salanity changes. Too fast will blow an arm off like what happened to yours.


enomadra, that's a beautiful star. I've got 2 tile/marble stars, that are similar to that, but that's one of the better ones I've seen.


Nope...not an orange linkia, but they look very similar. It's an Orange Sea Star alright. There are but a few differences between the two, however. The Orange Sea Star usually only gets up to around 3 inches and usually responds better in the captive environment and is easier to care for than the linkia.


Active Member
hmmm wen i got my purple linkia star i jus threw it in n it did fine...i had it 4 over a year until it fell into my anenome.


That's good to hear, i haven't heard any positive input from a linkia owner until now.
I'll keep you posted... i (thought I) did some research, was about to buy one online, but saw one at an lfs and picked it up.
I've got a 45 gal with a good bit of live rock, but it's a pretty new tank, about a month old.


I have had an orange linkia for around 1 year now. it feeds on sponge only. Its a good thing my tank grows lots of yellow sponge. He has been very healthy and keeps my sponge at a great level.


I had a blue linkia and it lasted about a month. Again, one of the big reasons to have a salt tank was to have a starfish! I picked up a sand sifter yesterday and I'm amazed at how much it's been out. I'd attach a pic, IF I COULD FIGURE OUT HOW!
Sorry for the caps, I'm just a little frustrated . . .:mad:


Off the subject, UKCATS, but what about Coach K? Do you think he's going to make a move? You may hate Duke, but you've got to respect them. I've got a good UK friend here that we love getting together when they play Duke.


I believe it would be a huge mistake for him to leave. Despite my feelings for dUKe, they run a top-notch program that has great graduation rates. I believe Mike K. is a quality person who cares about his kids and the game, and therefore he doesn't belong in the NBA. He should stay! Your thoughts?