purple live rock


New Member
How do you get live rock purple? Does it turn purple by what kind you get or the quality. I have about 85 pds of marshall Island, is that known to turn purple.


the purple/dark red growth is coraline algea. Think that you need some for growth to start but with good conditions it will cover most/all rock in the reef


whats the best way to get it off the glass? I'm thinking a razor blade. I'm getting spots all over my glass and it hard as hell to remove. Any other ideas?


hey roosky what kind of set up are you opperating?
what chemicals do you put in? how old is your tank, if I may ask?


My tank has been set up four about 5 months. Its a 55 gallon with a 3in of LS and about 70-80lbs of live rock. I have a US Aquarium hang on skimmer, a Emperor 400 and 3 powerheads.
1-yellow tang
3-false percs
1-purple Dottyback
1-lawnmower (he's huge about 5in thanks saltwaterfish.com!)
1-evil arrow crab,1-sally lightfoot,1-brittle star, 1-cleaner shrimp,3-pepperment shrimp,3 emerald crabs, 10 or so blue leg hermits,15 or so red leg hermits, 2 Mexican turbo snails, 10 or so astrea snails
1 Big colony of brown star polyps and a smaller that I cut off the bigger colony, and 12 assorted mushrooms
I add Eco-Systems Reef Solution and Kent Liquid Calcium everyday. The Reef Solutions works great my mushrooms and polyps are growing like crazy, and my tang is the brightest yellow I have ever seen and I've only been using this stuff for about 3 weeks. Plus I'm still using carbon in my E-400 I change it every month.
WOW I didn't think I had that much in my tank :eek: Anyway thats my set up now why do you ask?