Purple Lobster


New Member
What do you guys think about putting a small purple lobster in a tank?
Would I have any trouble with it aggitating other tank mates?
( I have a clown, yellow tang, 2 damsels, cleaner shrimp, and cucumber)


Hey there. I have one of those purple critters. It doesn't seem to bother any of my fish or inverts. The only problem is that you virtually will never see it, particularly if you have good hiding places like live rock. I have other reclusive type of inverts in my tank that will come out when only the actinics are on, but the purple lobster just stays put. Hopefully that behavior will change (I have had it for a couple of weeks now).


i would remove purpel lobster now thay eat anything i had one it eat spoted mandrin six line wrasse and a annomme now its in my sump


I have had a purple lobster for about 6 months now. He only comes out at feeding time but he is neat to watch. It takes them quiet awhile to become comfortable. Mine took about a month or so. He lives in a barnacle that you can seee in at all times. As soon as i open the lid of the tank to feed he comes out and runs around a little. He has never harmed anything in my tank. He is very scared of all the fish. If a fish swims near him he goes back in the barnacle. I have a mandarin as well and he has had no problems with the lobster. I suggest getting one.