purple lobster


will a purple lobster hurt or bother any of my fish or other inverts? (shrimp, crabs, snails, coral, pecula clown, mandarine)or any fish for that matter


I have had one for a year now, and it has never been a problem towards other inhabitants. However, it is extremely reclusive, and I mean reclusive! I never see it or rarely that is. Not worth purchasing if you ask me. Better spending your money on an invert that will not hide all day long.


Originally posted by dhbrk:
<strong>will a purple lobster hurt or bother any of my fish or other inverts? (shrimp, crabs, snails, coral, pecula clown, mandarine)or any fish for that matter</strong><hr></blockquote>
I have had a purple lobster for about 5 months. I have seen him out of his hole about two times for an instant. he did kill my Skunk Cleaner shrimp when he inadvertently walked across his hideout by pinching him on the abdomen. i wish I had spent my money elsewhere.