Purple Lobsters?

sea horse

Would it be ok to put a Purple lobster in my 25 gallon tank?
list of inhabitants:
2 percula clowns
Pajama Cardinal
condi anemonie
sun coral?
turbo snails
emerald crab
strawberry crab
neon crab
pin coushion sea urchin
cleaner shrimp
live rock
Also what is considerd to be "medium" lighting?


Really sounds like you are pretty maxed out on live stock already.
IMO, I would not add anything else.


Well, volumn wise on the water I would say you might could get away with it. BUT, the problem I think you may have is the available space for all these inverts to call home.
All those crabs and shrimp with the lobster could pose a real problem.
Everyone needs a spot in the tank to claim, realestate is going to be at a premium. This will lead to predation, mainly the lobster will end up eating the shrimp and depending on the size of the crabs once the lobster molts and is vunerable (sp?) he'll be crab dinner.

sea horse

Well I guss I won't get him then.
I wouldn't want him (or anything else) to get eaten.
Another quick question. Do I have anough light for a "medium" light requirering coral? Such as a Devil's Hand? The tank is 24''x18''x14'' and I have 2 PC lights 1 Blue and One 6,500 K with a total of 62 watts.


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news on the lobster. But it is always better to be safe than sorry.
I really have a hard time answering your lighting question without knowing what type the lights are. 62 watts seems low to me.
Do some research on "devils hand". I know most places say medium lighting, that seems pretty vague to me.

I don't have any devils hand so I really can't give much advice, maybe someone with some experience with keeping these guys can chime in and help.