Purple Mushroom Invasion

peter rappa

New Member
My 90 gallon reef tank is being taken over by purple mushrooms...I use RO water and quality is good..Can I use an Aptasia killer for these mushrooms...At this rate, they will overtake the tank in a few months...


you should at least take them to ur LFS for credit . for some reason i got purpel mushroom that spreads like crazy too. one of my LFS's sells singles that fall off durring shipping or whatever for $3 and the purple i got just keeps budding and moving.


Originally Posted by morval
you should at least take them to ur LFS for credit . for some reason i got purpel mushroom that spreads like crazy too. one of my LFS's sells singles that fall off durring shipping or whatever for $3 and the purple i got just keeps budding and moving.
Hey if nothing else take them to the store and trade them in for "clean" live rock.


Active Member
on the rock that has shrooms on it, break that into pieces with shrooms still on it.
*boom* instant money pieces.


Active Member
Purple shrooms grow like crazy. i had hundreds of them and i cut off their heads, sold the heads to a LFS once they attached to crushed coral then did it all over again for years. A few weeks ago all of the shrooms but 5 died for no reason (i think my LPS killed them some how) Now i already have about 2 dozen again but i'm fragging them back more often. Aptasia killers don't work on them. If they are all you have u could find a fish to eat them. Don't worry about it to much, shroom overgrowth isn't a bad problem.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ci11337
Don't worry about it to much, shroom overgrowth isn't a bad problem.
there was a dood on here last year that had red shrooms literally overtake his tank. 3 out of 4 walls were covered; had to be well over 1000 shrooms in there. they were growing like cancer.
he might beg to differ


Active Member
When i went on vacation for a week they grew up the glass, covering the whole left side. I scraped them off and got a candy cane frag for free at the LFS.
They say you don't know what u got until its gone, and even though you wanna kill them now if they all died tonight you'd miss them, (and the LFS credit


get a large bore syringe and some kalkwasser powder. mix the power in to a paste and inject it in to the shooms. be careful to monitor your calcium while doing this. on some shrooms i have used liquid calcium with sucess, but for the tougher ones the paste does the trick.


I've been looking to get some of these as well. I would like some if you would get rid of them


you will never be able to totally get rid of all the shrooms if they have taken over every thing, the only way to insure you kill all of them is to boil all the rocks in your tank...and i do not reccomend doing that enless you want to start all over anyways, if all you have is shrooms get a shroom eating nuddy
cant starve a shroom of light and kill it eather, i had live rocks in my garages in holding tanks without a light tht had shroom on it for 7 months and the shrooms servived, they where pretty clear looking but they got there color back after the rocks went back into a tank...they where the purple ones also


Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
there was a dood on here last year that had red shrooms literally overtake his tank. 3 out of 4 walls were covered; had to be well over 1000 shrooms in there. they were growing like cancer.
he might beg to differ
