Purple Nudibranch

ems freak

New Member
What does the Purple Nudibranch eat?? are they reef safe? are they a threat to anything such as hermits, crabs, shirmp or other inverts??


Active Member
i think they are reef safe but most nubrianchs need a well establlished reed with lots of organisms growing.... they dont eat algae they eat sponges and other animals.....
i was told that they eat algae and bought one a long time ago and watched him wither away to nothing.... if u want something for algae get a lettuce slug
and no they wont hurt hermits

ems freak

New Member
as i researched online about this, i noticed that some places say its venomous and some say its not? whats the truth???????


Active Member
they are poisonus if they die i think because they have toxins in there body and the toxins will be released if it dies and it will contaminate ur tank. i think that is what they meen by there poisonus:yes:


Active Member
Some things should be left in the ocean the purple nudibranch (Sea Goddess) being one of them.
They will only eat sponges and not just any sponge, they will only consume sponges indiginous to the area of the ocean that they originate from. When there is nothing to eat they will begin to digest their internal organs as they slowly starve to death and upon death will release harmfull toxins into your aquarium with the potential of wiping out your entire tank. As it is impossible to provide them with a food source then in my opinion accuiring one would be a extremely irresponsible choice.:)


New Member
Are there any nidibranchs that are easy/ok to keep? My husband wants one badly and they sell them up here but I dont trust what the LFS guys say...:notsure:


Okay this is what I know. All nudibranch are hard to take care of and like Greatfullreefer said they should be left alone. But there is one exception. The Lettuce Nudibranch. Well it is actually a Sea Slug more than a nudibranch (but your husband doesn't need to know that). It east algae and also gets food from phyotosenthisis like plants do. But they are very delicate. You must screen off all you intakes to filters, powerheads, etc. or else they will hurt themselves and brobably die. I have never seen them listed as toxic before but the other nudibranch... well just stay away from them even know they are very pretty. :yes: