purple pseudochromis acting scared


I have a 20 gallon tank and am very new to fish let alone saltwater fish. I had a blue damsel first as my guinea pig to make sure my water was safe. He survived and did great I then added two false percula clowns and a purple pseudochromis. The clowns are doing great and the blue damsel is also doing great. The three of them are getting along great. The pseudo is hiding in my live rock and only comes out for like a second and goes back in. I don't know if the damsel is beating it up or if it likes to stay in the rock. It has been eating but just stays in the rock. Everything I read say the psuedo is the mean one but this one has not attack anyone and has been chased a couple times by the damsel. Is this normal or should I be worried?


Give him a few days then he will be out checking things out. In a few weeks he will be out being a little bossy. A couple more weeks and it is now his tank not yours. They are cool little buggers though but watch he doesn't start to pick on everybody else.


Thanks, i am really new at this. I check compatability and all of them are the same size and he is the only one of his shape. I read that there should only be one of his type. Well I hope he does well, he is beautiful.