Purple Queen Anthias DEAD



:mad: I Just Bought
a Purple Queen Anthias and it damn died today, I bought it yesterday. I bought two of them, one is on a rock like hiding. The other one just died, when I put him yesterday he hide I don't know where, and today just right now, he like came out of a live rock and was standing, watching, then out of nowhere like in 12 seconds I look back and he was upside down, and was like shacking, then I got my net to move him to see if he was stuck or something from his head and he was DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAD
:happyfish :scared: :nope:


Another thing that I think it happend was that I put Iodine. In the instructions it said 8 drops and 5ml for a week, to choose, so I put for a week, and I have hermit crabs, shrimp, and anenome. could that be the reason why it died, too much iodine in one day.


Staff member
Don't use iodine. It really is not necessary and it can be harmful.
I would do a water change.