Purple Ritteri Anemone???


Why does he look bad when I turn my lights on? He only shrivvles up when I turn on my lights. Also my clown is taking food away from the anemone, Why? The clown started hosting him a couple hours after I put him in there.


sorry I couldnt be more help, maybe some additional info searching is appropriate..... but .....
This is a copy of info from another website... refs on req.
The Ritteri Anemone has a dark red, pink, purple color. It likes to eat filter feeding invert food, brine shrimp, micro-plankton a few times per week, when open. The Heteractis magnifica is generally aggressive toward other tankmates. Many consider the Heteractis magnifica a high-maintenance specimen. Has strong lighting needs. The Sea Anemone, Bulb-Tip Anemome, Maroon Anemone, Yellow Tipped Long Tentacle Anemone requires strong water flow. Keep water quality high (SG 1.023 - 1.025, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Temp. 72 - 78° F). The Ritteri Anemone is commonly collected from the Indian Ocean.
This species is very difficult to keep and should only be attempted by expert aquarists, or is a 'delicate shipper.' Our guarantee is not available on this item.


wow, I did a bit of research..so im not speaking from experience but from what I read from a reliable source.... apparently this is one of the MOST difficult types of anenome to keep...
High lighting requirements... 175W MH or higher, place in top third of tank...
It can get up to 3 feet in diameter!!
grows fast and can triple in size in a year.
the shrinking from the light issue is probably just that itss been out of the light for a while... let it acclimate slowly.. possibly by adjusting your photoperiod...
goodluck and keep us posted