Purple Tang and Hippo Tang


Active Member
Nah, only one, and the purple is cooler and stronger, wont cause ICH, wont destroy all yer tank inhabitants. I know, its tough, but its a matter of life and death, literally. The blue would stress out and die, cuz they need LOTS of swimming room. So, go with the purple.


Originally Posted by jwtrojan44
Actually, both species require a lot of room, particularly as they put some size on. A standard 4 foot tank is going to be tight for an adult specimen.
Either way, select one. Both are nice fish but both have drawbacks. Purples are very aggressive and prone to HLLE. The hippo is sensitive to parasites. Kind of a crap shoot with either fish, but the healthiest ones you see are in large reef set ups.

I agree, very well put!


Active Member
Purple is easier to keep healthy but the hippo is easier to keep with other fish particularly if you plan on adding more fish after you get the tang. Once a hippo gets comfortable and stable in a tank and fed the proper diet they arent that hard to keep healthy but getting to that point can be difficult especially in a smaller tank.


Originally Posted by kendra1212
Hello...I have a question...Can I put a Purple Tang and Hippo Tang in the same 80 gal tank???

i have a 72g bow, and i have the hippo (who keeps on trailing my velvet wherever he goes!)
, yellow (w/c is their boss until my kole arrives! ahahha)
, kole (the now boss of my tank)
and the sohal (gentle, quickie one)
tangs. thinking of adding the purple in due time probably. they all been so fine. introduce them simultaneously, they'll be fine! of course, when they get bigger, it's common sense to get a bigger tank, eh?


Active Member
Originally Posted by lpuzon
i have a 72g bow, and i have the hippo (who keeps on trailing my velvet wherever he goes!)
, yellow (w/c is their boss until my kole arrives! ahahha)
, kole (the now boss of my tank)
and the sohal (gentle, quickie one)
tangs. thinking of adding the purple in due time probably. they all been so fine. introduce them simultaneously, they'll be fine! of course, when they get bigger, it's common sense to get a bigger tank, eh?



Originally Posted by lpuzon
i have a 72g bow, and i have the hippo (who keeps on trailing my velvet wherever he goes!)
, yellow (w/c is their boss until my kole arrives! ahahha)
, kole (the now boss of my tank)
and the sohal (gentle, quickie one)
tangs. thinking of adding the purple in due time probably. they all been so fine. introduce them simultaneously, they'll be fine! of course, when they get bigger, it's common sense to get a bigger tank, eh?

Please don't take advice from someone with Yellow, a Blue, a Kole and a Sohal Tang in a 72 gallon tank.
Someone should take this guy's tank away from him and buy him a land Hermit Crab instead.


lol ya thats crazy.. I cant believe the people who put tons of tangs in tiny tanks.. then they go online and brag about their accomplishments.. even though they're doomed in the long run..
Anyway I wouldnt do anything other then a yellow tang in a 75 gallon personally.


Active Member
Originally Posted by N_Sarno
lol ya thats crazy.. I cant believe the people who put tons of tangs in tiny tanks.. then they go online and brag about their accomplishments.. even though they're doomed in the long run..
Anyway I wouldnt do anything other then a yellow tang in a 75 gallon personally.


they're still small, and it's not until then that they grow up so big. it's a common sense that i would have to upgrade when that day comes, of course! i don't have a lot of LRs in my tank too... i'm not planning on going on reef. the whole tank is their swimming ground.


Originally Posted by lpuzon
they're still small, and it's not until then that they grow up so big. it's a common sense that i would have to upgrade when that day comes, of course! i don't have a lot of LRs in my tank too... i'm not planning on going on reef. the whole tank is their swimming ground.

You're completely missing the point.
You are obviously young and have little experience in this hobby, which is absolutely fine.
We all start somewhere. However; the fish you have in your tank should NEVER be kept together or in that size of a tank, regardless of their current size.
I PROMISE you, you will see problems very soon, if you haven't already.
You need to return most of those fish to the fish store as soon as possible or they will die.
By reading your other posts, I see that the Regal is already looking bad. Take this as a sign.
Your fish store will sell you ANYTHING because they want your money. Don't listen to them. If you care about your fich at all, you need to find new homes for them immediately. Do a little research before you buy expensive fish. Think about it, the fish in your tank were at one point swimming in the ocean, and now they are swimming in 72 gallons of water.
If you want to be a responsible saltwater fish owner, you will have to learn that just because the fish looks cool in the store, does not mean you should bring it home.
Take this advice if you want your fish to live. And ask questions before you buy living animals.


Originally Posted by Whitey
You're completely missing the point.
You are obviously young and have little experience in this hobby, which is absolutely fine.
We all start somewhere. However; the fish you have in your tank should NEVER be kept together or in that size of a tank, regardless of their current size.
I PROMISE you, you will see problems very soon, if you haven't already.
You need to return most of those fish to the fish store as soon as possible or they will die.
By reading your other posts, I see that the Regal is already looking bad. Take this as a sign.
Your fish store will sell you ANYTHING because they want your money. Don't listen to them. If you care about your fich at all, you need to find new homes for them immediately. Do a little research before you buy expensive fish. Think about it, the fish in your tank were at one point swimming in the ocean, and now they are swimming in 72 gallons of water.
If you want to be a responsible saltwater fish owner, you will have to learn that just because the fish looks cool in the store, does not mean you should bring it home.
Take this advice if you want your fish to live. And ask questions before you buy living animals.
i do a lot of researching.. all the time. i'm almost at my pc every chance that i get. i read anything that i could possibly read. before i buy a particular fish , i already have information about them. i know what you guys mean, and thanks for the concern. i would definitely check on it.


If you research and still end up where you're at, then you're researching in the worst places.
I've told you what you need to do. I you don't take the advice, then oh well. You're fish will likely all die, and you will hopefully learn the lesson.
No where that you've researched did it ever say that all those Tangs could live in a 72 Gallon tank. You bought them on impulse and the LFS wanted the cash. Take them back tomorrow, and give the fish a chance to live.


Originally Posted by Whitey
If you research and still end up where you're at, then you're researching in the worst places.
I've told you what you need to do. I you don't take the advice, then oh well. You're fish will likely all die, and you will hopefully learn the lesson.
No where that you've researched did it ever say that all those Tangs could live in a 72 Gallon tank. You bought them on impulse and the LFS wanted the cash. Take them back tomorrow, and give the fish a chance to live.
ok. i'll do as you advice me to. for starters, i'll return my sohal, coz they get relatively bigger than the others. is it ok to leave my yellow, kole and hippo?


Active Member
Originally Posted by lpuzon
ok. i'll do as you advice me to. for starters, i'll return my sohal, coz they get relatively bigger than the others. is it ok to leave my yellow, kole and hippo?
no how about just 1 either your kole or yellow and thats it that tank is too small for a hippo


A 70 is a little small for both fish. I have both a purple and a blue hippo in a 115 gal. I have no problems whatsoever. My purple shows no aggression.
Also I find that my blue hippo is hardier than purple tangs. I had a purple tang before that never really did well. Could have been because he was somewhat large and didn't handle being shipped all that well. My first purple tang went through several boughts of ich and in the end died.
I disagree with some of the absolute statements here. But I will agree that those two tangs will probably not do well together in a 80 gal. Purple tangs usually have a recommendation of a min of 100 gals.
Also tangs do not "cause" ich. In general tangs are just more susceptible to ich. And yes, I know it isn't really ich, it is cryptocaryon......blah blah blah.
Well that is the end of my post so


I think its great of you to return the animals to your LFS if thats really what you are doing..
I would agree w/ the others..
The hippos GOT to go as well.. I'd stick w/ the yellow only.. or the kole only.. but best thing would be the yellow in the 75.. ONLY ONE TANG PLEASE!!


Hhhmm...I am going to be flammed so dang much...So i'll keep my Blue-Hippo's Tank size to myself
Yes i'm new but I did my research quite long.I would say that the Purple Tang's are healthier but the Regal are easier in general :joy:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Seattle
Hhhmm...I am going to be flammed so dang much...So i'll keep my Blue-Hippo's Tank size to myself
Yes i'm new but I did my research quite long.I would say that the Purple Tang's are healthier but the Regal are easier in general :joy:
intresting threadi would keep tht size to you self as well lol
i have a yellow in my 90 and i would like a hippo. i plan on buying one small enough where i can keep him for a year or 2 then if he streses then out he goes