Purple Tang Diet



Thanks Mr. Tang for your newsletter. I assume from what I read that my Red Sea Purple Tang is an herbivore also.
The fish store sold me "Seaweed Selects" Green Marine Algae. (Dried Seaweeeds). I always keep a strip in there during the day. But now I see on the package that it says "A Nutritius Supplement for grazing fish" (*hand slaps head*).
There are a couple of small establshed LR with blankets of green algae in the tank and I alternate feed: Omega One Marine Flakes, Frozen Brine, Frozen Myosis and some "Formula One". (Didn't have the Tang before, or I would have boght "Formula Two"...
So, is she okay for *now* -- What should I feed her.
Sandy (Currently overstocked in a 20 gal, but setting up a 50 gal. 1 Purple Tang, 2 small Percula Clowns (Common), 2 very small yellow damsels, 1 Royal Gramma, Hermit Crabs, 3 Snails, 22 lbs LR.


Active Member
I dont understand your post about the seaweed selects. Anyway green seaweed selects should be a major part of your tangs diet. Along with mysis, brine , spirulia flake and whatever else you can get him to eat. soak the seaweed in zoe every now and then.