Purple Tang Ick!!!!

have my purple tang in my tank for over a week now. It been great.. eating good and it looks healthy too! but yesterday it started to have little white spots on the tangs body. i suspect ick x( what do i do? i feed it 100 precent veggie mix, now i soak the beggie mix into a garlic solution first. I have one skunk cleaner shrimp and a fire shrimp.. are they gonna help save my purple tang? in the tank i have a juvy emperor, percular clown fish, one silfin tang , one blue damsel and one diamond goby. It is impossible to get the tang out of the tank and i dont want it to spread it to other fish... especially my emperor =( what can i do? I always see my emperor fish let the cleaner shrimp clean him, but never my purple tang.... today when i see it. The purple part around the white ick dots started to fade. like the purple color around the ick is like fading.... is it getting worse? what can i dO??? helpp!! thanks!


Staff member
aznxcheapbasta3, ich is highly contagious and likely all your fish will get it now. You can try garlic feedings, but ultimately I think the only solution will be to remove the fish, QT and treat them.
Take a look at the FAQ Thread and the post there on ich.
OMG you guys wont believe what hapen... itz gone x) all the ich and yep! all the dots. I feed it frozen mysis and 100 percent veggie mix with garlic solution!! and now itz all gone x) thank you guys!! but i shouldnt be too happy as for right now huh? because itz not 100 percent sure if itz gone or not. lol but atleast i cant see any ich on the fish.. im feedint it again 100 veggie mix with garlic solution x) and maybe mysis with garlic solution tonight. i feed them veggie mix about like 10 times a day x) lol do you guys think that help build the fish's immune system up since the fish is not really suffering from hunger from time to time? i feed like 10 times a day but like small amount of food. =)


Staff member
Continue heavy garlic feeding, and hope for the best, but expect the worst. Likely the ich will return. The nature of the lifecycle of this parasite causes it to appear and reappear. Check out the post on ich in the FAQ Thread which will explain.
Use this time to set up a QT. If ich returns, you'll be in a better situation to deal with it. If it doesn't come back, you're still ahead because you can QT all new fish and never have to experience this kind of stress again.


Buy some kick ich and dose your tank . I have used it with success just make sure you have your skimmer off and filter media out and follow directions to the tee.. Good luck