Purple Tang murder investigation.......


Came home late yesterday to find my PRIZED purple tang stuck to a PH. I freed him to examine his carcus to find he was still well colored, no torn fins, and had a half inch gash down his side! His inards were intact and he looked healthy (besides bring dead). The only thing I can think of is my CBS sets up patrol under a hugh flat center piece. He lunges at anything including me that comes within range. Could he have cut my tang while protecting his rock. All the fish have tormented him till now without incidence. I have been having a problem with snail and hermit murders until I removed three huge emeralds last week. I thought I had cured the problems.
This sucks!!!!!!!!!!


Damm that sucks. Ive never had my CBS attack anything that hard. I suppose he could have but doesn't quite seem right to me,imo. Possible any hinden pest?:(


like I said, I have had some unexplained deaths in the last couple of months. However, I am one of those light sleepers that cruizes out in the middle of the night to check on things. I have never seen an signs of a mantis or pistol etc.... I have a few large bristles but no chance they could have done this. When I set up the tank I incorporated 150 lbs of LR from various LFS that were in display tanks and could possibly have a hitchhicker. I'm stumped.................


Active Member
How powerful was the powerhead? I assume the injuries couldn't have simply been sustained by the powerhead itself? Sorry for your loss...that'd totally tear me up--my purple tang is my favorite fish!


My coral banded tried to grab everything that went by it too, and I had 2 cleaner shrimp come up missing within a day apart, and I caught him eating the second one.


My CBS is under survailance. Any questionable behavior and he is out!
How can I find out if there is a mantis in the tank? Traps?
And of course, the special of the day is Purple Tangs for only $49. Frustrating hobby. I don't think I will be adding anymore fish right now, beef up the corals instead.
thx yawl!


Active Member
Sorry about your loss. I had a similar thing happen awhile back btwn a CB and a Clarkii. I dont know if my clarkii got a gash from the LR or if the gash came from the CB to start with. Long story short... the CB never left the clarkii alone after that, always picking at this gash--literally following the fish to get to it and drawing blood. I was going to return the CB the next morning after seeing this happen over a few days. I was too late for the clarkii, but the CB now has a new home. Never have had a problem since (over 10 months). So just IMO (and I am biased, yes) the same thing may of happened to you, and just so happened that your tang was close to the PH and was too weak to do anything about it.


threaten them with a mag light, someone will talk. maybe dump in a couple shots of jack to get them talking. If that don't work, single them out in a small fish bowl...then show them the cat. They will talk.:D