purple tang vs lemon peel angel


New Member
i have a large purple tang (6in) and a 4 inch lemonpeel. the lemonpeel was just introduced friday and is hiding constantly in the rocks from the tang. i gave it a couple of days and now one of them needs to go. also in the tank are 2 bleenies, a flame hawk, and 2 damsels. which one would you choose?


if there not actually physically fightin i would wait another week to see if the angel comes around every time i added a new angel it seemed to do nothing more than hide for the first week


I agree with the other posts - don't pull him out just yet. My lemonpeel hid for almost two weeks when I first got him. Now he is always out front and doesn't take @$!%*"# from nobody. Give him some time.


I had a lemon peel it hid for a month and did not eat now he eats everything and chases my naso a 6” sohal tang. He is a beautiful fish give him time


I agree in that most times new fish do take a while to acclimate, however purple tangs are pretty agressive especially being already established in your tank. Odds are even if he does acclimate, he won't get along in there. Lemonpeels aren't the hardiest of the pygmy's either. I say bring him back before he's dead.
But that's just my opinion, you never know-maybe he will do just fine, but the odds are against it.
your choice.
Good Luck


Active Member
I believe that the purple tang will always harass the LP. My best suggestion would be to remove the Purple tang and place him in another temporary setup for about 2 weeks than return him to the original tank. I've used this quite effectively on several occassions with good results. If after this it doesn't work then return the LP. My two cents.


I put mine with a Blue Surgeaon, it also was the same way. The Lemon Peal was always hiding and when he did come out the tang chased him? Now they seem like best friends, I would give it some time......


flamehawk that is a great idea--removing the purple till the lp has time to adjust and become established. It didn't work out for my damsel and fairy-the damsel was still a bi###. (so now she has to live with the grouper and trigger) But a good idea worth trying none the less.


New Member
great! i gave it time and they seem to work together. everyonce in a while the tang chases the lp just a bit but they seem to get along well. thanks of the advice.