Purple Tang with a Salfin Tang?


Active Member
I have a yellow, and a purple tang in my 90 gallon, and they get along for the most part. I also have tons of live rock though for them to graze on. If they swim right next to each other they do their tail dance a little bit and then go on their merry way.


Active Member
I have a yellow, and a purple tang in my 90 gallon, and they get along for the most part. I also have tons of live rock though for them to graze on. If they swim right next to each other they do their tail dance a little bit and then go on their merry way.


New Member
I had a yellow and a sailfin in my 55 reef up until yesterday, had no problems with them, same size, put then in together, they now reside in a new 100 gal, they still swim together all over the tank, lol


Active Member
OK - If your going to do it you better buy them pretty small and at the same time. Watch em closely - I put two angels together at the same time and they did great. - Each found a side of the tank during the day and swapped territories at night.


If you buy them small and plan to keep them for 10yrs or more. They may fight when they get large= 6+ They get more aggressive as they mature.But fwiw a full grown sailfin should have at least 120g-150g pretty much to itself in a reef without much LR. they get over 12" and look like plates. A few small fish won't hurt but it would be alot happier if it was the only grazer.