Purple Tang..Yellow Tang


Active Member
they'll probabley fight, if you add them at the same time, and they are the same size you might get lucky, but the odds are agaisnt it.


Active Member
From someone whos done it....I dont really agree with the color/shape theory so much.
These guys have been together 5 years....they get along fine as you can see, no shreaded fins...
Of couse theres no promises any fish mix will work and tank size and other tankmates and health of fish and system matter...I added the purple ( That was bigger than the yellows ) last, into a school of 5 yellows, into a 180g reef, a little introduction squabbles but not bad and not for long.



I had a Yellow Tang and added a Purple. World War 3 started. Called the LFS and bagged up the Yellow and took it and swapped it for another of roughly the same size. Everything was fine then. I think it depends on the individual fishes personality. Some are just more territorial than others.


Active Member
u have to remember also that fish of the same species have there own personality , some might be ok while others re not


Active Member
what size tank is these fish going into? .. i have 3 yellow tangs and a purple in my 210 gallon