Purple tang


my purple tang had ich, it has all fallen off, he is still in my qt tank but he has gotten these big circles of discoloration all over his body and face, you can kinda see through his top fin like its rotting or something, can copper cure this ? if not what should i use and what is it?


Staff member
Can you describe in detail the "ich" you are seeing. Velvet has the appearance of dusted powder spread over the fish. It can sometimes have a rust appearance or white. Standard ich has the appearance of tiny salt-size grains of sand. Frequently with velvet the fish will be highly stressed and gilling will be extremely rapid. By the time you actually notice symptoms the fish is already nearing death.
Copper is a fairly toxic treatment and could well cause additional health issues with your fish, especially if not used carefully. Coppersafe is notoriusly unsafe, primarily because the hobbyist does not test for copper levels when using this product.
What are the water readings in your QT?


i do a water change everyday and remedicate less then what the dose recommends, there isnt a test you can use with coppersafe, it will give you wrong results, all of my levals in my tank (nitrite,nitrate,ammon,ph) are fine because i am also using algone, i highly recommend this product, as for the ich that was on my purple tang that fell off within days i now have big blotches of skin discoloration but is cearing up more and more everyday. my other fish that had ich in the qt are spotless, im letting them stay in the qt for a month and a half, im in no rush to get them back in the display tank.