Purple tang


very pretty fish however can be very agressive too from time to time. 125 would def be good for it..

jackie dh

He's living with a couple angels, a Blue Hippo, a butterfly and several other smaller fish and I've never seen him act terribly aggressive towards any one. He just kind of does his own thing.
He's in a 125 too, with lots of live rock and tons of places to hide out if any one gets to pushy. :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltfish123
i was thinking about getting a purple tang, are these good fish to keep, will they fit in my 125, etc.
What is currently in your 125?


New Member
I consider a Purple Tang to be the prize of my tank (120 gal). From a distance they are beautiful but when you get up close and really look at them they are fantastic. The details in the purple portion are amazing. I have had mine for over two years. When I add a fish, the purple tang has shown some agression but only moderate and only for a day or two. It is the biggest fish in the tank and is the boss but it never picks on other fish.