A business associate of mine has had 3 purple tangs in his 55 fowlr for 16 months now and he got them when they were just under 1.5 inches..they are now 3 inches so he is giving me 2 of his purple tangs.. i'm probably going to put them with my other purple tang in my 65 fowlr or 125 reef with another purple to make 3 schooling pt's..i might also put them in my office 210 to make 3 shooling 3 pt's..for the ppl tha think tangs will die or get sick in a 55 wrong. his fish are in perfecto conditions im prob. thinking of putting them in my 65 fowlr.I like my reef the way it is and why should i put them in my office tank i'm barely in the office lol.
just a nice note for al new hobbyist. ofcourse this is my opinion do whatver you wann do i am by no means telling you what to do or asking for any advice just sharing withthis wondeful community that 3 small pt's can thrive for almost 1.5 years in a 55.
just a nice note for al new hobbyist. ofcourse this is my opinion do whatver you wann do i am by no means telling you what to do or asking for any advice just sharing withthis wondeful community that 3 small pt's can thrive for almost 1.5 years in a 55.