Purple Tip Condi...Dead?


I just bought a purple tip condi anenome yesterday and today it doesn't look like it is still alive. It's foot its't open but it still has its color. This is my first one so I don't know how they are supposed to act. Is this normal behavior for anenomes? Thanks.


I have never had luck with anemones, I just had a short tentical live for a week and that's it...I have had 2 and both died, while I had acoros, clams, my set up was perfect, not now, got my MH on order, but anyway, anemones are TOTALLY diffrent animals, they will go where ever they want kill what they want and don't want you to mess with them. Best bet, if it ain't coming apart, like pieces coming off of it, leave him alone. He will decide where to go aint nothing you can do about it.
Good Luck:rolleyes:


New Member
I am new to the saltwater side of this, but I think your Condi might just be stressed. I have had one now for about two months and it appears very hearty. It recently got sucked into the powerhead and lost most of it's tendrils, but appears to be recovering fine. It keeps to itself behind a rock in the back of the tank, but the tendrils appear to be growing back:)