Purple Up = Awesome


I just wanted to give this stuff the credit it's due. In early feb i set up new tank from my previously established 55gal. I also added about 25 lbs of live rock to the existing 35 lbs i already had (which had decent coralline). I decided to use a bottle of the Purple Up right away to jump start the coralline process before I started using kalkwasser.
Anway, its been about 5 weeks since the tank has been up (4 weeks for the newer rock), and my coralline is going completely crazy. Both NEW powerheads are 80% covered, the new rock is probably 50% covered and the back wall is starting to go right now. There are bout 500 little pin head sized specks covering the back wall. I figure that by the time the rest of the bottle is used up (half gone now) my back wall will be 25% covered.
Good Product!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jurichar
I just wanted to give this stuff the credit it's due. In early feb i set up new tank from my previously established 55gal. I also added about 25 lbs of live rock to the existing 35 lbs i already had (which had decent coralline). I decided to use a bottle of the Purple Up right away to jump start the coralline process before I started using kalkwasser.
Anway, its been about 5 weeks since the tank has been up (4 weeks for the newer rock), and my coralline is going completely crazy. Both NEW powerheads are 80% covered, the new rock is probably 50% covered and the back wall is starting to go right now. There are bout 500 little pin head sized specks covering the back wall. I figure that by the time the rest of the bottle is used up (half gone now) my back wall will be 25% covered.
Good Product!!!

That is great, if you have pix that would be great to see!!!!


Active Member
I have a bottle but have not started using it yet. I am worried about the iodine in it and my shrimps. My LFS started carrying it and said that they have heard a lot of success stories. It was also the best new product of 2005 rated by some company.


Originally Posted by jurichar
I just wanted to give this stuff the credit it's due. In early feb i set up new tank from my previously established 55gal. I also added about 25 lbs of live rock to the existing 35 lbs i already had (which had decent coralline). I decided to use a bottle of the Purple Up right away to jump start the coralline process before I started using kalkwasser.
Anway, its been about 5 weeks since the tank has been up (4 weeks for the newer rock), and my coralline is going completely crazy. Both NEW powerheads are 80% covered, the new rock is probably 50% covered and the back wall is starting to go right now. There are bout 500 little pin head sized specks covering the back wall. I figure that by the time the rest of the bottle is used up (half gone now) my back wall will be 25% covered.
Good Product!!!

Hey jurichar,how many watts of light do you have,i started using that too,like a week ago i have a 44gl pentagon fowlr an only 30watts of lighting i justed bought a pc with 1x150 hqi an 2x36 fluoresents hoping that i would get some really cool stuff growing from my live rock


Active Member
I am going to be following this thread. I wanted to try purple up but was told (on here) it dosen't work. :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by jurichar
I just wanted to give this stuff the credit it's due. In early feb i set up new tank from my previously established 55gal. I also added about 25 lbs of live rock to the existing 35 lbs i already had (which had decent coralline). I decided to use a bottle of the Purple Up right away to jump start the coralline process before I started using kalkwasser.
Anway, its been about 5 weeks since the tank has been up (4 weeks for the newer rock), and my coralline is going completely crazy. Both NEW powerheads are 80% covered, the new rock is probably 50% covered and the back wall is starting to go right now. There are bout 500 little pin head sized specks covering the back wall. I figure that by the time the rest of the bottle is used up (half gone now) my back wall will be 25% covered.
Good Product!!!

not to discredit this stuff, but i had the same results with not using it. all i did was scrubb the hell out of my lr that had coraline on it with a bristled brush, and a few weeks later my tank was going nuts with purple.


my tank has about 2 2 lb piece of some very colored live rock.. and about 25 lbs of some not really colored rock.. you think purple up with still work even if i dont have that much live rock to start it off with?


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
I am going to be following this thread. I wanted to try purple up but was told (on here) it dosen't work. :thinking:

Yes it does work.
The reason you were told that is because for the most part all you are doing it adding Ca. in a new tank proper water changes will give you all the supplements you need. It’s not a bad thing to add the stuff it’s just not really needed. You should try to avoid adding anything to the tank unless it is absolutely necessary.


My tank is a little over 3 months new and very little color. I have been using Purple up for over a week and have seen a signifigant increase in purple color on my rock.


Originally Posted by mrdc
I have a bottle but have not started using it yet. I am worried about the iodine in it and my shrimps. My LFS started carrying it and said that they have heard a lot of success stories. It was also the best new product of 2005 rated by some company.

Your shrimp will need iodine to help them molt. But I seem to recall from a previous thread regarding this product that the problem with it is you can overdose your system if you aren't careful.


Originally Posted by alyssia
I am going to be following this thread. I wanted to try purple up but was told (on here) it dosen't work. :thinking:
Depends on many things as usual. In a new and bearly stocked tank why not let it work. In a heavy stocked tank maybe not. In some cases the purple up or aragamilk is it, adds the missing type of calcium that some additives didn't have enough of even though they test alright, like with borate in the mix which adds to the total make up when tested, but the corals don't grow on borate, now do they :nope: Just keep an eye on your calcium and alk levels so your alk doens't wind up in the basement.


Originally Posted by oceana
Yes it does work.
The reason you were told that is because for the most part all you are doing it adding Ca. in a new tank proper water changes will give you all the supplements you need. It’s not a bad thing to add the stuff it’s just not really needed. You should try to avoid adding anything to the tank unless it is absolutely necessary.
I agree with this bc i had a 30g bow at one point and i swore by the stuff (purple Up) cause i used it all the time and had great results but it was a small tank and things happened very fast, granted i got very lucky with the tank bc i didnt do much to it and everything just worked out ...now that i upgraded to my 65g after my nightmare algae bloom incident i will never add any additives to the tank unless a last resort type of situation...its better in my opinion not to add anything to the tank bc it can throw off your parameters and as we all know its hard enough to stabalize a tank....with regular water changes and good salt mixtures your adding everything you need to gain purple coraline naturally it just takes time and patience....


Hey from experience listen to Thomas - I used Purple up religiously, had super high Ca levels and then Alk fell into the crapper, the coraline that had started coming on so fast started to turn white. Long story - but after many weekly water changes my Ca and Alk are finally starting to come to where they need to be. Everything you add to a tank has the possibility of affecting parameters. Choose wisely and only add when something is out of whack. Regular water changes are simple and if you must add - add to water for changes to bring it to what you want in your tank!!!!!!!! Just a word of cuation as I tried it and it does do what it says, but after awhile it through my alk off.


Originally Posted by Thomas712
In a new and bearly stocked tank why not let it work. In a heavy stocked tank maybe not. Thomas
My thoughts EXACTLY. Ive been watching my ca and alk and they are doing pretty stable. My plan is to finish off this bottle (probably another 4 or so weeks) and then immediatly switch over to kalkwasser for the long term. That way everything will be as stable as possible.
Hey IronDog, my tank is a 65 gal display (100gal system) and i have a TON of lights: 2 150 watt 20k HQI halides, 1 96 watt 10k pc stick, and 1 96 watt actinic pc stick. (about 500 watts total on 65 gal)....Oh yeah, and the halide are 1.5 inches off the water line!!! ;) long story.
Im gonna go try and take some pics of the coverage now...we'll see how it goes.


These pics dont really do this much justice...my camera isnt real good ;).
Remember this is all new rock and power heads. And its been about 4 weeks!



Originally Posted by BLAZEHOK68
not to discredit this stuff, but i had the same results with not using it. all i did was scrubb the hell out of my lr that had coraline on it with a bristled brush, and a few weeks later my tank was going nuts with purple.
Same here, and my tank is only 3 months old, plus I haven't even scrubbed my LR, PLUS I only have PC lighting.


Originally Posted by jurichar
Might as well toss up a pic of this lil guy while im at it ;)
did you buy any corals,or stuff started growing off lr after you installed lights