purple up?


my LFS told me purple up is very good for my purple algeas, just wondering if anyone here used it and how good is it? do i need to watchout for anything when i use it? (like for a new tank)


i use it very sparingly. it clouds up the water for about an hour and will affect your parameters ... just keep an eye on it.


Active Member
IMHO save your money...yes, i hear the stuff works... but be patient, it will grow !!!


Active Member
it can effect your ph so if u are barebottom or sand it may create a problem and it is cloudy when 1st put in so use it when ur lights are out


increase pH or decrease? mine is around 7.9-8, trying to buffer it up a little with seachem's reef buffer™(have good alkaline, like 4.5 MeQ/L) my fresh mixed salt water have 8.3 pH but drop to 7.9-7.6 slowly (usually take a day or 2, 12 gal nano) someone told me it is due CO2 problem, so im wondering will purple up increase or decrease pH?


Active Member
decrease that is why not having a substrate like crushed coral that has a good buffering capacity u might want to stay away from purple up this is based on my experience i use it but i have dolmite curently and had crushed coral in the past


Active Member
I usually always had pH of 8.2-8.3 befroe using purple up, started using it every day es recomended on the bottole and it went down to 7.6-8.0. now i use it once a week at most and my pH stays about 8.0. Still trying to get it up to 8.2 though.


Active Member
Your tank will grow coraline once it finds its equilibrium point with Alk/Ca/temp/lighting etc.......then you will post on these boards, "how can i control coraline growth in my tank" I agree, I'd rather spend $10 on frozen mysis than on that stuff.


New Member
I think it works. It's not that expensive compared to the cost of the rock. I no doubt think that it lowers the pH of a tank. I have trouble keeping mine above 8. I am going to get a comercially made buffer to help with that, but in the meantime, I have gone to every other day dosing and my pH is creeping up back to normal. My rock is purple as Barney the dinosaur though.
P.S. Sorry for the lame Barney ref, I couldn't think of anything else purple