purple up

arch scot

can someone please explain what purple up does and how often should i add it and how much
thanks all help is greatly appreciated


Active Member
Purple up is a calcium and Iodine supplement. It is marketed to increase/speed up Coraline algae growth. I wouldn't use it unless your calcium drops below 400. Most salt mixtures maintain your calcium level between 400-450 which is where it should be for corals and coraline growth.


Active Member
This is true. I wouldn't use it, coraline algae will come on its own. Make sure your using a good salt mix and you shouldn't have any troubles.


New Member
how long does it take for coraline algae to apear? I am just starting to see lime green spots where brown algae is.
I am monitoring daily just incase that green becomes slime algae.


New Member
I have some on my snails and I purple spots on my rocks but they look like a deep purple coral. what do you think


Active Member
it has been awhile since i used purple up but, if i remember correctly it is supposed to inhibit the growth of bad algae's and bacteria (cyano) and i never had a cyano outbreak when i was using it.... well i'm fighting it now and thinking of using it again too see if that could possibly be a quick fix i doubt it will but if it works for that i will post the results