Purple Up ?


Active Member
Some people say they have had success with it, but all it really did for me was throw my parameters out of whack. If you keep your calcium where it shoud be you shouldn't have any trouble getting coralline.


I tryed it,but to be honest.I got better coralline growth after I stopped using it.


i've been using it daily since the cycle finished and i started turing on the lights.
So far so good, its been almost 2 months



Active Member
Purple up is a calcium and Iodine supplement. nothing more nothing less. if your not testing for both you shouldnt use it. Iodine is easy to overdose on. and too much calcium can throw your alkalinity out of whac.... its just as easy to maintian good water parameters without it.
a lot of the success storuies you hear are people go a few months and dont see growth and start using it then see growth. the thing is coraline often takes several months to hit a peak growth with or with out purple up. once people start to see growth they attribute it to the purple up, even though the coraline would have started growing anyway, there is no real proof that it does anything special other than get you to pay for water mixed with calcium and iodine... myself I dont like to pay for water. its cheaper in the long run to just buy calcium and iodone and the test kits for them, with out the water mixed in. even if you use Purple up YOU STILL NEED TO TEST for both calcium and iodine before using it. if one of the two isnt low DONT use it. you can kill or really mess up your entire tank.


interesting ??? one of my fish that was thriving seems to be having some problems. Not active and staying at the botton, when normally he/she is all over the place. I think im gonna stop and see what happens. Thanks again.