PurpleUp Coralline Algae Accelerator


Active Member
It works sometimes, but be extremely careful, because it can shoot your calcium levels through the roof.


I used it for alittle while but it wasnt worth the effort to me. Just keep up on the water changes and good lighting is all you really need to get it going and keep it going. I have so much coraline in my tank that its even growing onto the sand and across what little bit of bubble algae that I have rendering it enert aswell.


Active Member
Yep, I agree. If you keep your calcium and alk levels where they need to be, and provide it with decent light, coralline will grow very well.


It's pretty much a waste since it has an expensive price tag on it. I prefer to dose lime water to maintain a good CA, which interns, increases coraline growth. You can find pickle lime at wal-mart and a larger container of it is only a few bucks.


this pic has a rock that 2-3 months ago had no coraline on it within a week the coraline started showing up and has spread to what you see here very quickly just from providing the right conditions for it to grow.


IMO it is a GREAT product. I was one of those tank owners who could never get coral line to grow. My tank has been running for 1 full year, and I would get little coral line spots here and there, but nothing major. I used purple up about 3 months ago, and now my tank is covered. All of MY rock is purple , as well as my back glass. I think it is a great product. But then again, certain things work for different people. You do have to watch your calcium levels.


Active Member
Good flow helps, since it spreads around. You can have a rock that's covered with it and a rock next to it that has none, and with a powerhead blowing across them (starting on the one with coraline) it'll spread to the other rock in no time. There are also some salts that are formulated for coral growth and they help with coraline as well, I've used Oceanic and Red Sea Coral Pro salts with good success in coraline growth.