Putting a reef in a bar?


what a bought putting a Reef tank in a bar or night club?
I'm a DJ in a small night club (700 poeple) is the smoke bad for the tank(I think so) Is there something you have to do to keep one in a place like this?


The main thing about putting a reef in a club is the vibration coming from the speakers. That can really stress out your reef and all of its inhabitants.


so not to worry abought the smoke but the sound.
I think it would be up front close to the front door and not the dance floor.


Please be careful because when I go to clubs, I know that not only does the speakers vibrate, but so do the walls and floors. Unless your club is setup so that somehow the front doesnt get that vibration, I would really be careful. A reef is a huge investment and putting it in a club is a big risk.. I even know of people that have thier tanks in thier living rooms and the vibrations from the entertainment centers stressed out the fish even though the speakers were nowhere near the tank. SO I dont know how things are setup at you club, so use your own discretion when doing this.


I'm not even sure what being on a slab means. So I cant tell you if it makes a difference. The vibration would be detrimental to fishes. I'm not sure on the science behind it, but from what i hear, vibration distorts the fish's central line. Maybe someone else can tell you more about it that part of it. All I know if that the fishes get real stressed out from vibrations.


Active Member
I'd stick to a reef tank with NO fish.
A reef with live rock, mushrooms, polyps and other low light corals would be easy to light.
Feed the tank for bacteria.
Someone has to "maintain" the tank


I know of two clubs in tampa that have fully stocked FOWLR tanks in their clubs. Both are well over 125 gallon tanks and both sit above the main bar about head level to the bartenders. I frequent both regularly and they have had the same livestock, for the most part, since day one. The only thing I can think of that makes it possible for them to keep tanks is the way the sound system is setup. The one club's bar is set in the back and the dance floor and speakers are about half way back. The other is a two story club with the main dance floor downstairs but music is piped up to the second floor and not played as loud, relatively speaking of course.
Not that my house' bass compares to a clubs but my tank is in the upstairs living room of my house which is essentially where I watch movies because that is where I have my surround sound hooked up. Fish and corals don't seem to mind it there but like I said the loudness is no where near the same.



Originally posted by Ags
Not that my house' bass compares to a clubs but my tank is in the upstairs living room of my house which is essentially where I watch movies because that is where I have my surround sound hooked up. Fish and corals don't seem to mind it there but like I said the loudness is no where near the same.

Same here. I think there was a heated debate over this topic at one time. My reef is in my living room with a Theatre. I listen to it pretty loud. I have had my tank for alomst 2 years and I have not had a problem with stock or anything stressing.


Osolow, one of the clubs is in Ybor City and opens up for special events only. It is called Red Star. Ybor City is kind of like Bourbon Street in New Orleans and loaded with clubs. Back in the day it used to be open all the time but not anymore. The other is Malio's in south tampa on Dale Mabry. Malio's is actually a restuarant but has a night club inside of it and on Thursday nights and on the weekends gets going pretty good. The restuarant actually has multiple saltwater tanks. Great food too.


I think it could be done. It would cost a fortune though.I would imagine you would need some air filter louvers for between the tank walls and club space. And if you put it on a separate slab w/ expansion joints between the tank slab and the floor slab it should minimize any vibrations. I would have a room on one end of the bar w/ direct access to the tank for maintenance.
Another really big feat would be getting the bar at the proper height and still having enough space for lights and air circulation and cooling units. It would be a really cool endeavor though. Good luck!


When I was living/working in Virginia Beach there were a couple of busy restaurants with large tanks(180+).They were fish only.Unfortunatly they were in a place where kids,and some grown ups,would tap on the glass and stress out the fish.I don't understand why people think that tapping on the glass and saying "here fishy fishy " is something they like.Anyway it was kind if sad because they put alot of large expensive fish in there.Needless to say they did not live too long.Just something else to consider where you place the tank(s).Good luck!


Interesting thread.
I second the concern for fresh air if you can smoke there.
I have a 1980 Atari Centipede video game. It is a table-top 'cocktail' version that used to sit in a bar.
When I opened it up I was amazed at what I saw.
Thick black fuzz covers all the electronics.
It is disgusting.
I'd do the tank in the bar if I could put an air pump in another room or near fresh air.
The music concern is humane, but the effects are debateable.
The decibels from the music are probably a lot less than what the Navy throws around with it's new sonar. Don't get me started on that... ;)


Active Member
yes, it is interesting. another problem you might have if you put it in a public place such as that is that the people will end up messing with it. you end up with a drunk guy "feeding" the fish a beer, or something ridiculous like that, and kill everything. i haven't had it happen to myself, but i know a restaurant owner, and he kept sw tanks in there, but even at this high class restaurant he still ended up continually loosing stuff because customers would mess with the tank. he finally took it out because of it. so, consider not only the smoke, noise, etc, but also people who mess with it. assign the tank a bodyguard!