I installed a 1" PVC Spring Check Valve between my return pump and the tank to prevent backflow. My question is, will this type of valve be ok in this application? There are three metal parts. The spring, washer and screw are all stainless steel.
I'm not 100% positive but stainless steel will still rust causing a problem down the road IMO. I would take it off and just use a shiphon (spelling??) break.
The pump feeds back into the overflow area and runs up to two
that are mounted in the top of the overflow... That's probable hard to picture. I don't know how to get a siphon break into the line? I'll try to get a picture.
Is it a All Glass tank and overflow kit? If so I have the same set up. I'm not positive but I think mine was already drilled. But there should be a 90 degree elbow at the top of the pipe coming that goes into the
. If so mine is drilled on the inside corner of the elbow so it sprays water into the overflow. And will break shipon when pump turns off.
A spring check valve will cause significant back pressure on your return pump. For many reasons, there are much, much better ways to go, such as an anti-siphon hole.
Good Luck,