PW algae attack paks harmful to coral?


Can anyone tell me if the algae attack paks sold by ******** are harmful to corals at all. There are turbo snails,scarlet reef crabs, and red and blue leg crabs. I think that is all there is in the package. It is the basic version of "critters" for 75 gallon tanks
Please refrain from reference to competators!


Well-Known Member
Not familiar with that particular product. If it is to controll or kill algae, then simply don't use it. That's what you got a cleaner crew for. Besides algae is good for tanks anyway.

nm reef

Active Member
Our host sells the same type critters for a much better rate....please refrain from advertising products and prices from other vendors!
All the critters you mentioned would do well in a established reef...all would help to keep things under control...but I would advise against the red legs...they tend to be overly aggressive in my opinion.
Despite what some folks think...un-controlled pest algaes "need" to be controlled or they can over come the balance of a reef system which may result in a cess pool like display that appears green watery and stanky!!!! Personally I would use all tools available to control/remove pest algaes before they become the dominante feature of your reef!!

“In the 60’s folks took acid to make the world that the world is weird they take prozac to make it normal!”