pygmy angel heart attack??


i just got my quarinteen tank back up to reg salinity yesterday so i decided to put my only 2 remaining fish back in my 55 i chased the angel down and netted him carefully he was floppin as soon as i put him in the bag to float him in my 55 he was dead i didnt injur him in the capture and only chased him for about 1 min what killed him ?? thank for your input all you friendly strangers :) <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


i brought the salinity back up over the corse of 10 days he was swimming and eating well the only thing wrong with him i could see is back fin a lil chewd from battle with the damsel over the cave i had in there thnx :) <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


i think your fish been stress uot too much from the chase and can not breath
sorry for your lost


Anthem, I know that catching with nets is not a good thing, but I have NEVER been able to catch a thing with any container, EVER and trust me I have tried a million times and with a million different things.
Any tips? or am I just an idiot?
(ok don't reply to that last part)


Active Member
I bought a fish trap. Has caught any fish I wanted to in there. I put the food that the fish likes in the back of it. When he goes in i release the string.
Have never had any problems catching fish in it. Once in the tank for a while they like to investigate it. Fish are like cats, very curious.
Just an Idea for you...


i wish i would have read this before i had no idea that nets were that dangerous and i did take it out of the watter with the net but it was floppin like mad till it hit the watter in the bag then wam <img src="graemlins//dead.gif" border="0" alt="[dead]" /> thanks to all you friendly strangers :) <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


Thank you both for your replies on fishing without nets--
My question for wamp is--in a fish trap, how do you get only the fish you WANT in there and not all the rest????
I think that would be my best bet if I can figure that one out.
I worry a lot about netting my angel, as she will get stuck in the net. Lots of stress for both of us.