pygmy angel vs. sixline wrasse HELP!!!!!!!!!!


today i got a six line... when i put it in my pygmy started chasing it!! whenever the angel sees it, the angel goes right after it. i moved some of the lr and plan to get more soon. is there any way that i could get the pygmy to stop?? i love both of them; i could never get rid of them. i've been looking for a sixline for about a month. PLEASE help me
em <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


Active Member
No way to stop them. If there are good hiding places that will help, other than that, the toughest fish will win...

crazy bout salt7

New Member
is your pygmy ur dominate fish? was he ur first and if he was he will think the tank is his and whenever sumthing new is added he will go after it just like my yellow tang went after my pygmy when i added him but my sixline was fine with my pygmy and now eveyrone gets along. they will work it out and will get along in with about 2 weeks.