Pygmy Angelfish


Could a Pygmy Angelfish be kept in a 29g Biocube with 2 clowns and a goby? If not, is there any other type of Angelfish that could be?


You might be maxed out with the two clowns and a goby, but if you've got the filtration for one more fish, you could get away with it, I think.
However, please remember that Angelfishes are algae grazers, and they LOVE to pick algae off the LR and tank walls. They love to dart in and out of crevices in the LR, so it's best if you have enough LR for them to be able to do so. Mine can fit in the teeniest crevice; it's so neat!
I think you'll really enjoy having one, so I say "go for it!"


Active Member
I don't think it would be a good idea. If I'm not mistaken the 29 biocubes aren't actually 29g anyway. Just seems like a lot of fish for a 29. But I err on the side of caution and only have a pair of clowns in my 29 and that's all I'm planning to have.


Personally I think you'd be fine with 2 Clowns, a Goby, and a Cherub (Pygmy) Angel in a 29. But no other fish. And Angels do love rocks, as someone pointed out. What are the dimensions of your tank? Is there a sump running on it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dmitry
Personally I think you'd be fine with 2 Clowns, a Goby, and a Cherub (Pygmy) Angel in a 29. But no other fish. And Angels do love rocks, as someone pointed out. What are the dimensions of your tank? Is there a sump running on it?
I agree; although I admit to stocking heavier than most; I think, assuming good filtration and skimming, a dwarf angel would be fine. A little "iffy"; but a good chance for success. A flameback would be a nice choice too. (An African variety is especially nice, IMO.)


Active Member
Originally Posted by myreef05
Would have to be a pygmy angel and not a dwarf. There is a 2-3" difference there.
Probably.There seems to be a lot of mixing of "dwarf" and pygmy". Some refer to pygmy angels as a group and some use the term to mean specifically the cherub angel. According to my favorite source; a pygmy (cherub) reaches 3" in captivity, a flameback also 3", and a flame 4". Some of the dwarfs do get bigger; but I think any of these 3 (or some others) would be okay.