Pygmy Angels (ie: Flame) safe with softies?

Hey everyone,
I know that pygmy angels have a 50/50 chance of being reef safe.
But does this apply only when you have acro's? Everywhere I've read about these fish state "Oh! he ate my acros!", "Oh there goes my Montipora!"
.... But what about softies and LPS?
My tank only has leathers, shrooms, Xenia, and frogspawn at the moment. Will soon have a Hammer and a Torch, and zoos as well.
So as you can see, My plans do not include acros for this tank.
What is the staple diet of pygmy angels specifically?
Should I even attempt to keep one?


Active Member
It all depends of the individual fish that you get. Most Pygmys come with a "use caution in a reef" label on them. I have a Pygmy Cherub in my tank that only picks at algae when he can find it my tank and the brine that I feed in the evening. I saw a post on another board today about a Cherub that was just tearing the poor guys tank up. They are hit or miss as to whether you get a mellow one or an aggresive picker!