pygmy/cherub angel


Active Member
Hello everyone. Has anyone ever kept a pygmy(cherub) angel. My lfs has one that has been in their tanks for about 3 months now and he is really cool. Just wondering about the requirements for this little guy thanks again.


I don't have a Cherub Angel but I have a Coral Beuty and I love her. Anels in general are rather shy after they are introduced so provide alot of hiding places. After the become familiar they are out alot more. As long as there are no highly aggressive fish in the tank. But here is a link about Cherubs hope this helps:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a> :)


New Member
I kept a cherub for the last 18 months or so before I broke down that tank to move. I was fully impressed with the little guy. He was very personable and not agressive at all. I kept him with a pair of percs and a baja wrassle and all got along great. This was in a 46 bow front. I would highly reccomend him. Hope this helps.


Hey I have a Pygmy in a 18g tank. I would have to say that he is my favorite fish. He is so awsome and really loves to eat algae in the tank. This fish has no problem eating, mine even eats flake food. He has a great dispostion and is well worth the slightly expensive price. Mine has never gotten sick and ate on the very first day I got it. If I could rate this fish I would give it *****. Only try to keep this fish it your have stable water conditions and only if your tank has been set up for at least eight months.
Good Luck and enjoy


Active Member
Well i have a 30 gallon tank that has a perc clown, and a bicolor blennie, and has been up for about 4 weeks now, but all my readings are at zero, pH at 8.2 and everything is fine. All of my sand and rock came from a well established tank so it has already cycled and has a huge pop of cpeopods, and microfauna. Thanks guys for all of your help!!!!
BTW, how expensive do you consider expensive for this fish? I live in Northern Colorado and we dont have much in the way of lfs's so the one i am looking at is about 30 bucks. Is this comprable to what you all paid for yours????
thanks again