pygmy cherub angelfish


i would like to set up a new tank in the next few months and was trying to decide what to do with it. i already have a spare tank layin around...its either a 15 or 20 gallon i cant remember. i was wondering if i could have a pygmy cherub angel in it???????????? i really like them and think that one would add a lot of color and personality to a smaller tank. so, can they be kept in a 15-20 gallon?

have a nice day


yes, if it was a 20g. 15g is pushing it. I dont know this from experience but I just got a 24g and Ive been doing lots of research on them and yes they will go in a nano.


thanks for the info. i just found out today that its definatly a 20 gallon, now all i got to do is decide if or when i should set it up! :joy: