Pygmy Yellow-Tailed Angel - Compatible?


New Member
My "main fish" for my tank is going to be a clown with an anemone - from what I see on the compatibility charts, angels are a no-no, but our local fish store (knowledgable, seemingly, my first time there, and I'm a newby) swears the angel will be ok with the clown. Anyone experience this before - either way? Just wondering. Thanks!
OH, and woo-hoo!!! My tank's water levels were all perfect today after having moved it (from someone else's house) on Monday - that's five days after setting it up! Yay!



New Member
I don't have any clowns but I do have Dwarf angel yellow tail and it gets along good with everything


Active Member
I have a flame angel in my 75 with a clown and I had a pygmy angel in my 55 with two clowns and I never have/had any problems between the two.