Q About Cleaner Shrimp.


Active Member
I added a cleaner shrimp yesterday and for some reason it kept walking around upside down. I was only able to see it for a total of maybe 5 minutes (until it went behind some rocks) but that whole time it kept climbing over stuff while upside down. Is this normal?


Active Member
Good, cuz I thought it's dying or something. Do they ever come out to the front of the tank to play, or are they always in the back, under rocks, setting up their "cleaning stations"?


Active Member
I am planning on getting a second cleaner shrimp. I want to have a pair. Plus the one I got is small, and I want a larger one.
Will the cleaner and the bloods get along?


Active Member
I've got 2 cleaners. 2 fire shrimp, 3 saron shrimp, and 4 peppermints in my tank and have never had a problem with them.


I have one skunk cleaner, he hangs out in the front of the tank mostly. I would like to get another one and I was wondering if it would make them hang out behind the rock or if they would still be in front. And also will it make shrimp I have now do even better with another? Thanks!!


Active Member
at first mine only hid, but when i got him hand tamed.. he woud come out into view.. i coax him out further with some nice hands :D