Q/t ?


I have a 10 g tank and a 20 or 25 g tank which one would bee beter for QT i was thinking the 10g but then i don't know. And do i have to put L/S in it and L/R ?


Active Member
i have a 10 gallon qt tank and all i have in it is a piece of pvc pipe for the fish to hide in. filter, heater, and thermometer.


Active Member
Go to the Disease/Treatment forum and read the sticky there. Should answer a lot of your questions.:)


Staff member
Bigger is always better....at least with tank size :D.
Larger tanks have more stability, and stability is extremely important when you need to medicate fish. Lets say you have to use an antibiotic on sick fish. A larger tank will have the better bioload capacity and can tolerate the hit on its biofilter better when dosed with antibiotics than can a 10.
I alway recommend at least a 20gal L for QT, unless you plan to QT very small fish only.
So, if you have the choice, go with the bigger tank.


Staff member
Hey, sometimes its good to leave Disease Forum Threads out here in the forums...the discussion might encourage other hobbyists that don't visit that forum to do some of things that we commonly talk about in the Disease Forum, such as setup a QT or use a refractometer.