Q's about HLLE ...


New Member
Ive checked out pretty much all the posts in this forum and havent found much info on HLLE... i was wondering if it looks like a clear line running up and around the eyes that has even more clear circles. BF's tang has this and it seems to be getting worse...any helpful info?
I also have a question on what garlic does for the fish. Ive noticed it mentioned quite a few times throughout each chat.
And also my domino damsel looked like he was gonna die and now he is eating and swimming around but i woke up this morning and it looks like part of his insides are coming out his gill on one side. It is pink in color, he is still swimming and eating....what should i do.....new tank....


Staff member
It sounds like a possibility. Check the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum. There is an example for HLLE there with a tang. This is one example and the "look" of the disorder can have other shapes. It is basically an eroding away of the surface skin.
Could the other fish be suffering from harrassment in the tank??