Qt Ammonia


Active Member
Hi Guys,
Well I have just come back from holiday in the Maldives, all inspired to get a new fish etc. So I check the levels in my tank which are fine, then check my QT levels, and ammonia is 1.0. Nitrites are zero and everything else is in order, the QT has been empty for 6 weeks or more, so what is causing the Ammonia? It was cycled properly about 3-4 months ago. Does this mean I have to start all over again and re-cycle?? Dont think I could take a 30 day or more wait until I can get a fish!!! :)
Thanks for the help,


Staff member
I would recheck those levels. If you didn't have anything in the QT, its hard to understand why it would have ammonia.
But, no, you can't put fish in there until the tank is cycled. Did you leave the pumps off or something?


Active Member
nope not at all, hence my confusion :confused:
Will test again, maybe my test kit is doing bad.....how long do they last on average?


Staff member
If they are stored adequately, they should last a good while. Check your package for exp date, if any.