QT dilemma


I currently have a 20 gal QT with a HOB Tetra Whisper with carbon and filter pad and nothing in the tank but some pieces of PVC. I have had it running for over 2 months and have never had anything in it. My problem is that I can't get the the tank to stabilize so I can add new incoming fish to it.
amonia - 0
trites - 0
trates - 2.5 to 5.0
I ghost feed and do water changes once in awhile but the trates still don't budge. Is there something else I can do to get them down? Do I need a better filter?
How does everyone else keep there QT's stable when there is no fish residing in it?
I appreciate any advice you can give me.


Active Member
The trates aren't out of control. What kind of test are you using? I was using the Saltwater master liquid test kit and my trates would always read 20. I used my colorimeter and it read .3.


It's a Marine Reef kit, I'm not sure of the brand I think it's Red Sea.
So your saying that's ok for a nitrate level? I thought it should be lower since my main tank is 0.


5 ppm nitrates is fine, in fact alot of people say up to 200 ppm is ok for a fish only, but not me hehe


Active Member
im glad others confirmed to me what i was thinking earlier. since trates are the almost-non-toxic-to-fish end result of the nitrogen cycle, i was thinking 2.5-5 ppm was nothing to worry about.
hopefully you research your fish you pick up, and let us know what you get :)