Qt Fever!!!

I wanted to take the opportunity to post my QT tanks.... I think it would be a good idea f we all pos pics , so people here who are NOT currently using a QT can see our set ups... I know the feeling we all have.. hurry to cycle, urry to buy fish, hurry to put fish in main tank.... only to casue problems in the end I AM GUILTY of it too.. But I learned the hard way.... I see most new people here on the disease forum have questions about ICH in thier main tank ( I am GUILTY TOO) BTDT.. But we learn the hard way... I would have liked to make this a poll, but couldnt figure out how?? LOL So, maybe if you post, that will be great!
How many people QT?? Do you have PICS of your QT to share?
Thanking you kindly, Kim
This one is my small QT/doubles as fry tank when I need it
the second is my bigger QT
Nothing fancy but functional!
15H with heater, 303 whisper filter, thermometer, i pop on a skimmer occasionally,sand bottom and a few pieces of rock for fish to hide, and a piece of decorative coral and a background.... Tried to make it less stressful for the new fishies! Yet simple....


Staff member
We actually did this a few wks ago, but if people want to post their QTs again, thats fine. It might encourage non-QTers to do it!
20L, eclipse, heater, fake coral/sponge, fluval underwater filter.
I used substrate "just because" I wanted the fish to feel more at home since they spend so much time in there...AND it looks ike just one of my tanks, so it doesnt look out of place in the room.... Also, The small tank I use for a fry tank and if you dont put a substrate or pain the bottom, it confuses them.. (seahorse fry)
:cool: Kim


Active Member
If you ever have to treat the QT tank w/ copper or other medicztion, the substate will inhibit effectiveness or make it more difficult to maintain the right dosage because of it's absorbing characteristics.
Since you would not have a cleaning crew, it may also caust the tank to accumulate nitrates and thus the water is not as pristene as it needs to be in a Q tank.
This is my opinion but if it works for you great!


Staff member
Come on people! I want to see your QT's again. I'm dying to see Terry's QT! How about you Trojan??? Show your stuff!


Active Member
I didnt use to put them in QT but now since my tang died of ick im going to Qt every fish.Im using a 40 Gallon Long 48x13x17 as my QT tank Ill post pics later
HMMMMMMM.. I was NOT aware that the substrate would effect medications.. I thought they said not to use it because if it were live, it would die.... I was certainly not worried about that in a QT..
Also, I treat my QT just like my other tanks if not better.. I test all the time and spend just as much time doing water changes and making sure my levels are good....I havent had any problem with water quality in my QT yet..You think I NEED to get rid of the sand?? If I do, how bout some rocks or something (THIN LAYER) I will if its that big of a problem when having to medicate..Guess I need to do whats best! Thanks for the info...