QT for eels?


Active Member
Someone mentioned in another thread of mine that they didn't think you had to QT eels, is that true? I have a 6" sfe right now in QT and if he doesn't need to be there I'll move him over to the DT so he can start settling in. He's been in QT for a week now is is doing great, he ate right from the start.


Active Member
IMO, there is no need to QT Morays. With the highly protective slime coat they have, it's almost impossible (and I mean IMPOSSIBLE) for them to get disease.
I've seen tanks with numerous fish, which were all completely covered in ich...just suffering,

...and the 1 - 2 Morays in the tank were perfectly fine.


Active Member
Does the same hold true for aclimation? Is it necessary for a 3hr drip and water removals, or is it as simple as mix some water slowly, float, and let em go.
I just introduced a White Eyed Eel tonight and he was eatting shrimp within 1 hr from the feeding stick...super easy


Active Member
I'm not sure about acclimation, I did 2 hrs but mine ate right away also. I love feeding him, he's as blind as a bat and tries to eat the stick most of the time instead of the food, but he eventually figures out what's going on. I'm also impressed at how wide he can open his mouth!