QT/hospital tank...


Would a 5 gallon be okay if I needed to hospitalize a larger fish...say a 3" angel or such...I wouldnt put anything like a tang in it... Its all I have the room for and I can only have so many electrical outlets ;)
Anyways, is a sponge filter okay? Or what if I run a small aquaclear on my main tank and pop it on the qt tank when I need to...will the medications [if needed] stick to the filter [ie copper] and introduce it to the main tank?
Drew :)


Active Member
i would do everything possible to make sure copper does not even come close to coming in contact with your main tank, but if you want to start your filter then put it in your H tank, that would be fine, that would get your bacteria growint in the filter, but i'd never move it back
and for a filter, any filter will do for a H tank, most people just use what they may have laying around, or buy a cheapy from wal mart or something


Right now, I have an extra aquaclear running just in case...I could always move it over, but I should NEVER move it back?...
I wont always have something in the qt tank to be producing wastes for the bacteria to eat, so I assume theyd die off.......
How do people set up their qt tanks then if they dont always have something in there?
Drew :)


Also, just a little vote...do all of you run your qt tanks all the time just in case something happens?